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Nomination deadline: April 3

Educator-of-the-Year Award
This award highlights HI-TEC’s commitment to honoring community college faculty who have made significant contributions to teaching and training the technology workforce. Nominees must demonstrate a strong impact on technology education, both locally and nationally. The Educator-of-the-Year Award specifically recognizes a community college educator for their outstanding contributions to advanced technological education in the classroom.

Industry Recognition Award
This award reflects HI-TEC’s commitment to recognize industry colleagues who play a vital support role in advancing the education and training of today’s technology workforce. Nominees must have demonstrated a meaningful impact on technology education at both local and national levels. The Industry Recognition Award honors key industry personnel for their outstanding efforts in supporting and promoting advanced technological education.

Innovative Program Award
This award reflects HI-TEC’s commitment to recognizing innovation in advanced technology education programs. The Innovative Program Award is designed to recognize an individual or a team of advanced technology education professionals who have developed and implemented a significant program innovation, which has led to a positive impact on student enrollment, retention, and/or advanced technological education.

NEW! Unsung Hero Award
This award recognizes an individual who plays a crucial behind-the-scenes role in supporting an NSF ATE-funded grant. This award honors a support person whose dedication, organization, and effort often go unrecognized but are vital to the success of the project. This award acknowledges their unwavering commitment, resourcefulness, and the essential support they provide in advancing technology education and workforce development.

Guidelines for Submittal and Eligibility

  • Nominations can only be submitted by NSF ATE Centers or Projects and/or their partners, and HI-TEC sponsors.
  • A nominator may submit no more than one award application for each award category.
  • A nominator may nominate a candidate in only one category per year.
  • Nominees must indicate how the nominee is affiliated with an NSF ATE Center/Project or HI-TEC sponsor.

Expectations of Recipients

To receive the awards, recipients must agree to attend the Awards Luncheon that will be held at noon on July 23. HI-TEC will provide the airfare, registration, and two nights’ lodging for each winner in addition to their prestigious award recognition. Winners will receive additional instructions prior to the conference.

For questions about the award, contact Pam Silvers or Emery DeWitt (HI-TEC Awards Co-Chairs).

Chander Arora
2024 Educator of the Year Award
Chander Arora
Robert Weinman
2024 Industry Recognition Award
Robert Weinman
Mentor-Connect's PI 101 Initiative
Innovative Program Award
Mentor-Connect's PI 101 Initiative